
funny face

selah attended a cooking class recently with her friends.  they loved it, she loved it!  
it was an hour, and included baking banana muffins and decorating an 8 inch chocolate cake with a funny face, then eating the muffins and bringing the cake home.  not bad for eight bucks!

the teacher started the class by wanting to see each child's funny face - selah was happy to comply.

they also got to decorate their own chef hats.  
most kids didn't wear them or their aprons, selah was all over it!

this expression in the next pic is a combo of "what do i do mommy" and 
"put down the camera and help me"


ali and ainsley

listening to the instructions

she had her funny face all planned out...

she purposely didn't use all the treats so she could eat what was left over
enjoying the muffins
definitely going to sign up for another cooking class - i need to get emery to one of them.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I've always wanted to attending a cooking class! Good job Selah :)