
camp girl

this is a photo taken by my sister after emery's first week at camp miniyowe.
it perfectly represents her week and the weeks of all the kids who have gone before her!
a wrist full of bracelets brings back the memories!
(nice shot christine - thank you)

emery.  loved.  camp.

she is still singing the songs she learned there 
and right away was asking if she can return next year.
her favourite things about camp were 
chicken broccoli casserole,
and there was one more...
i'll have to ask her again.

the staff at camp are incredible,
and the activites so fun & memorable.
it was cowboys vs. aliens theme that week!

one neat thing about camp is that you get to sign up 
for two activities that you do everyday for the entire week.
for the youngest campers,
options include biking, sports, dance, canoeing, swimming, wilderness, crafts...
i know my girl and i was convinced i knew what she would pick.
i was so wrong.
totally expected dance and crafts for my girlie girl.
not so much.
she chose wilderness and canoeing
and loved them both!
she likes to tell people about the time 
they flipped the canoes and got to stand on them 
while they were upside down in the water
(with life jackets on of course)!

love it, and so proud of her for embracing new places and things to do!

she did great for her first week at overnight camp!
big thanks to grandma, grandad & auntie beth for making it possible for her to go!


smiley's in quebec

a couple weeks ago the girls and i travelled to quebec with my family.
we stayed in a rustic old house with so much charm, 
on a property with tons of land and things to explore.
there was also a gorgeous old barn that you can see here.

our time together was fun and relaxing.
with 5 cousins ranging from 1 to 10, there was always lots to do!

gondola ride at tremblant

the smiley clan at the top of the mountain (missing judah)

cousins: haley, emery, hunter & selah

cousin aubree didn't want to be in the above picture, so here she is enjoying the view

catching frogs in the river that ran through the property

caught one...

pony rides at the lachute market - thanks grandma

linking up here with this photo 

another larger river that we enjoyed after some sightseeing in a nearby town
pretty mama and her girl (mini shoot on the side of the house)

rediscovered my love for puzzles during this week
a photo of me - these are hard to come by (thanks christine)
great memories were made during this week and i'm so thankful for my family.
fun to hang out with and very helpful with the girls 
(jude wasn't able to attend as he started his new job that week).
i wonder what we'll plan for next summer...


simple things

a simple thing happened this week that made us all smile!
it makes for an extra cute smile for emery:
i was amazed at her patience with this tooth.
it became loose 3 weeks ago.
everyday, we checked it and i asked her if she wanted it out.
everyday, she said "no, i'll just wait for it to fall out"
coming from emery, this approach surprised me,
but it worked!
in the middle of the night on thursday she woke up to her tooth falling out, right into her hand
love this girl,
and love her new smile!

linking up here today:


favourite things friday

here we go again!
i am so ready for bed after a busy, but great day,
but i haven't thrown much out into blog world this week,
so i want to get this one up & out there!
first, here's a favourite photo:
linking up with project 64: out of the box as well

and without further ado, here are a few of my favourite things this week:
i know you're wondering about the last link...
no, i didn't make them - tried to get started, 
but didn't have all i needed on hand. 
will make them soon though...
perhaps with leftovers from emery's party?!

have a great weekend friends!



emery is turning 6.  soon.
i find it all quite crazy... 
this growing up so fast thing.
but the good news is,
i have a party to plan!  
here is the invitation:
turquoise and magenta are the colours of choice for this party!
(looking muted here, but nice & bold in print)
all i have left to 'plan' is the cupcakes and loot bags,
and a few fun decor details of course.
i guess at this party, i will be free to take lots of photos.
so excited for my girl and her big day! 


more from the big house

many neat things and stories are found in the living room of the 'big house'.
i imagine there are endless memories created in this room...
so amazing to spend a week creating new memories
in a home with so much history...

(if you missed them, some other photos of the big house can be found here)
i had so much fun putting these two posts together...
wish i had taken more of the big house.
maybe i'll have to do a 'little house' post of my place someday!

linking up here today:


the big house

my girls and i had the pleasure of spending a week
with my family in the 'big house'.
this is an old house in harrington quebec 
that has been in angela's family for years.
this place is vintage at it's best.
don't you just love the wallpaper and the doors?
there was so much to enjoy...

more from the big house tomorrow.


favourite things friday

i know, i know...
i started a fun new idea of sharing my favourite things (on fridays) in july,
and fully missed two weeks ,
and this one is coming a little late.
(is is saturday already?)
it's summer & there's been a lot of this to keep me busy:
messiest cone ever.

but here are some cool links for ya:
  • wondering how to find your next great read?  one click away (cool eh?!)
  • this girl has some creative ideas for spicing up life in a cubicle (or at home)
  • some nice thoughts on friendship here - thankful for the pretty ladies in my life
  • "once you are real, you can't be ugly"

grab some ice cream, enjoy these links & let me know what you think!


fairy lake

in southampton there is a lovely little lake...
it is the perfect size for an evening 'hike' with my girls & friends.
on our hike, we saw two turtles and some very large fish
(selah, emery, ainsley and katie) 
ducks (anyone know what kind the black and white one is?)
a swan, and a muskrat.

though we forgot our quarters 
(to buy food for the animals),
we had an amazing time running around the lake, meeting some very kind locals,
and scavenging for treats for the turtles and swan.

upon return to grandma and grandad's house, 
a neighbour stopped by so he could show the girls this baby rabbit.
fell into a window well - freed after our visit
such a fun & memorable evening, 
enjoying life in small town ontario!
linking up with:


design fun

here are two designs created with my girls.  
emery knew what she wanted and where,
with the photo, shapes, words & colours - all you see!
it was fun to create things her way,
to help her send love to her best friend!

for selah's design, we just changed a few things,
she was all about the stars!
i'm sure their friends enjoyed these surprises in their inbox.
we're looking forward to some beach fun in southampton
with those best friends over the next few days!
next design will be a party invitation for my almost 6 year old...


wish i had a barn

don't you...
wish you had a barn like this?
i love it!
old barn - harrington, quebec
maybe when jude is done the deck in the backyard,
he can build me a barn just like this one...

linking up here today:


sooc = straight out of camera

while in quebec, we spent a day at tremblant!  
it's beautiful there.
there were many exciting activities to choose from, including a ropes course for kids.  
super fun!
(for those who don't know - i use to run the high ropes course at camp)
i was so excited when i realized emery was old enough to do this one...
here are some of my fav (sooc) photos from their adventure:


emery - no hands!
she was awesome at it - totally comfortable up there...
emery had such a great time with her 'big' cousins on the course.
the luge was great at tremblant, 
but watching emery do ropes was the highlight for me!


treasure hunters

just got home from spending a week in a rustic cabin in quebec with my family.
we had a fun time exploring the land and sights (photos to come)...

we also explored an abandoned house on the property.  
call me crazy...
but this was the highlight of the week for me.  
it is something i have always wanted to do!
you know those old houses you drive by on country roads, with the doors wide open...
there's one on the way up to my parents' place and i've always wanted to stop to look inside.
i wish i had captured a photo of the house and how it looked...
  (you can see it in the background)
it was crazy inside, ceiling down, floors tilting every which way, 
cupboards leaning so much that doors are wide open and dishes are sliding out one by one,
yet there was unopened mail sitting on the little table in the kitchen...

we brought these items out to save them (it was clear that house hadn't been touched in years),
but willing to return each piece if removing them would upset anyone.
 i think it's crazy that all these 'treasures' were left there untouched.
 can you see the old hockey skates?
what would you have chosen from the collection?
upon receiving the okay - my sisters and i each claimed one of the black chairs.
i was also able to bring home the globe
(which my mother bravely rescued from the very slanty room at the back of the house).
if you know of a old house that needs exploring, let me know!
have you ever explored an old abandoned house?  
what treasures did you see?



hello from camp mini-yo-we!
evan ~ 1 1/2 years old
if you missed me at all this week - i've been at camp.
i have spent many a summer in this place!
it's so fun to be back here and witness the changes 
and the things that never change.
this place has played a huge role in my life.
 at camp, i learned to lead and serve others,
was given endless opportunities to grow and try new things,
and i formed life long relationships here!
(this is where i met judah...).
i will always be thankful for this place,
and it is a pleasure to be back here this week with my girls.
i think it's safe to say that they are loving it here too!

from here we're off for another week of adventures,
so i'll check back to the blog in mid-august!

is there a place that you loved as a child/youth, that felt like your second home?
that's what mini-yo-we was for me.

i haven't had time to read other blogs this week, but found a few moments today.
and i saw that one of my photos was featured here.
such a nice surprise!  made me smile for sure.