
scooby doo birthday party

 if you've been around here before - you know how much i love to plan parties for my girls.
selah is 6 now and she wanted to celebrate with a scooby party!  
i was happy to oblige...
i didn't love the colours of the current scooby party supplies in stores, 
so i chose the colours i wanted to work with and went from there.
orange, purple, teal and lime green.
usually i work with 2 or 3 colours when planning a party,
but using 4 gave me even more options with decorating!
scooby pull apart cupcakes:
i didn't have a tray large enough to place all the cupcakes on, 
but around here we have many canvases...
so i painted one and used it as the tray.
i will admit, i am a bit controlling with my party planning
(i like to do it all, by myself...),
but who can resist two willing and able little helpers
emery cut the flowers we used to decorate the walls 
and selah had the idea to colour scooby print outs, 
one for each doggy bag.
speaking of doggy bags,
i picked up a dozen bags at michael's and 
printed out a personalize label for each one.
a little inspiration from pinterest goes along way...
this is what else was in the doggy bags for each guest at the party:
scooby dvd
mello smello food stickers
scooby gummy snacks
a ghost pop
and a balloon bopper 
(to catch the villains with)
as friends arrived, they joined the craft table
where they could try some bones
(chocolate covered marshmallows and pretzels),
work on a scooby maze,
and bead their dog collar with fruit loops...
here is glimpse of the table when 'scooby snacks' were served:
 on the menu was:
pizza (a scooby favourite)
groovy grapes
veggie sticks (not so popular)
veggie straws (a little more popular)
green apple juice and blue water complete with bone shaped ice
scooby snacks!
(i picked those up during our last visit to the states to see my sister)

so there it is, a glimpse of the prep that went into this party...
i'll share a little more about what we did at the party in my next post.
in the mean time - you can check my pinterest board 
if you're looking for more inspiration for a party.

thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

You are AMAZING! So many amazing details. Well done!