
my dancing girl

i am feeling so proud of my girl.
she had her first (ever) competition yesterday in toronto
and she and her team did so well!

check out the curls and make-up...
i know, it definitely takes a little getting used to.
(only for stage of course!)
she was so excited and ready to go.
i don't even think she had butterflies...
she just wanted to get on that stage!

this is the only image i'll share from the performance
(to respect other dancer's privacy).
i love this one - E is on the right:
they received a sapphire award for their dance!  
they were also give a diamond (top level) award 
for the hairspray team dance they did 
(62 dancers on stage, age 6-19).
it was amazing!

i'm so happy that emery has found something that she loves,
and a great place to do it. 
the leaders where she dances are so positive to be around,
and tasteful and age appropriate with costumes and choreography.
it's beautiful and refreshing to be a part of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl,

Great photos and congratulations to Emery!
The photo of the girls in the air on stage is amazing.
