
easter in jersey

this easter it was just the mommas and the girls 
who made the trip to NJ to see the rest of the cousins
(the daddies didn't get a long enough weekend to come).
as always, it was well worth the drive!

cupcakes at crumbs - they're so big you eat them with a knife and fork...
selah gets a swing from her big cousins
my sister and i love putting together the easter egg hunt for all the cousins.
as you will see, emery wasn't feeling very well that day...
so instead of returning to our favourite egg hunt location,
we did it on the front lawn.

selah was the first to spot the eggs that uncle rich hid
poor emery only lasted about 2 minutes outside

above is the after egg hunt cousin shot.
(emery cried when she saw this because she wasn't in it...)
fortunately we took another group shot before we said our goodbyes.
i love these kids, 
and it's obvious that they love each other too!

great memories are made for these cousins in jersey.

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