
dance show

emery had her dance recital last weekend.  
i love these shows.
seeing my girls dance in front of so many with confidence, 
is amazing to me!
jazz/hip hop (we'll be sure to put a clip in emery's hair next time...)
 it was pretty neat to see emery do the worm across the stage, 
but the coolest thing about this show was who came to see it...

mlle m.
emery's grade 1 teacher!
i am still blown away that her school teacher would take time out 
of her weekend to come watch two of her students dance.
olivia, mlle m, and emery
emery's recital fell on a busy day of christmas festivities 
with family and friends, 
but what she was most excited for that morning was her dance recital, 
knowing that mlle would be there.

love it.

we love the school the girls go to and their teachers so far 
have all exceeded our expectations in many ways.
(you can read about emery's kindergarten teacher here)

the video's from this recital are pretty fun, 
so next time you see me with my computer, ask to see them.

selah's recital is this coming sunday at 4:30.
we can bring a guest or two - so let me know if you'd like to come along!

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