this is a photo taken by my sister after emery's first week at camp miniyowe.
it perfectly represents her week and the weeks of all the kids who have gone before her!
a wrist full of bracelets brings back the memories!
(nice shot christine - thank you)
emery. loved. camp.
she is still singing the songs she learned there
and right away was asking if she can return next year.
her favourite things about camp were
chicken broccoli casserole,
and there was one more...
i'll have to ask her again.
the staff at camp are incredible,
and the activites so fun & memorable.
it was cowboys vs. aliens theme that week!
one neat thing about camp is that you get to sign up
for two activities that you do everyday for the entire week.
for the youngest campers,
options include biking, sports, dance, canoeing, swimming, wilderness, crafts...
i know my girl and i was convinced i knew what she would pick.
i was so wrong.
totally expected dance and crafts for my girlie girl.
not so much.
she chose wilderness and canoeing
and loved them both!
she likes to tell people about the time
they flipped the canoes and got to stand on them
while they were upside down in the water
(with life jackets on of course)!
love it, and so proud of her for embracing new places and things to do!
she did great for her first week at overnight camp!
big thanks to grandma, grandad & auntie beth for making it possible for her to go!