

look at this girl...
she is full of energy, life, and creativity.  

can't you just see it in her eyes?!


this guy i like...

i know this guy named judah...

he's kind
nice to look at
a little silly sometimes
(but edgy)
and smart.

congrats on getting accepted to UofT for your phd...i'm so proud of you.  
i'm excited about this new journey and the doors it will open for you. 
i love you.

if you know jude - you can leave a message here for him...


daddy's girls

my girls...they love their daddy.  
jude...he loves his girls.

so happy to catch this moment.  they were having so much fun!
(i've been wishing lately for a faster lens f1.4 or 1.8)  



this image was in a blog i was reading and came to me at an appropriate time, 
so i thought i'd share it with yall.

today was a nice, simple day at our house.  
 a great family meal with a sharing time about what we love about each other.
just before bed we gave the girls simple gifts, i was amazed by their gratitude for them!

love my little family.

funny moment from today:
was working out with jillian and selah this morning.
first of all - selah is very amusing to 'workout' with 
(ask her to show you her jumping jacks sometime).
about two minutes into the workout she said "whoa, i'm tired.  i'm done with this" 
and off she went to find something better to do.
then towards the end after waiting for me to be done (so i could get her some apple juice) 
she said "mommy, why don't you just stop if you're tired?  you don't have to keep going..."
she makes me laugh! 

gonna think generosity this week, join me?


sick days

we have had a few of those around here.
here is a glimpse of some of the things that have been done to pass the time:

seems that the sick days aren't over yet, so we'll see what else we come up with!
oh the days when you could just lie on the couch and watch movies when you were sick...
there has been a little of that as well.
stay warm and healthy!


well hung

i saw this idea in another photog blog.
there's something so nice about seeing your photography on someone else's wall.  

thanks for sending me this my way angela

that's why it was very encouraging when dave and angela 
didn't waste anytime in printing some of the photos i captured of their lil fam.
looking forward to a spring shoot you guys!


dinosaurs and firefighters

it used to be all about princesses and fairies around here.

the latest play themes in this house are dinosaurs and firefighters.

selah is all about dinosaurs, purple ones if possible 
(but thankfully not barney).
if she sees a book at the library that has anything to do with dinosaurs, home it comes!

emery has borrowed a firefighter costume from her cousin and is loving it!

these girls have amazing imaginations.


daniella joy

look at this little muffin! 

she just turned one and she is such a fun and beautiful little girl.  
we recently spent a weekend with daniella and her family.
her favourite thing to do was climb the stairs... 

my favourite thing was taking pictures of her!

you're a special girl daniella,
thanks for playing on the stairs with me.